Tiny Artist

Today Momma made baby-friendly paints for Poppy to play with in the tub. It was super easy to make, super fun to play with and super easy to clean up. I let her choose the colors, gave her a rubber spatula instead of a paint brush, for baby safety reasons and then let her do her thing! Poppy had so much fun, (after she learned she's not allowed to eat it) and she shows a promising future in the arts!

baby powder
baby shampoo
food coloring

Poppy's masterpiece!

Bowling with Baby

A few weeks ago, our little family went bowling with our friends Cy and Anita. We went to an old bowling alley called Kelley's Lanes. We loved how retro it was. It looked as if it hadn't been updated since the late 70's or early 80's. We had a lot of fun. Momma played one of her better games and Daddy beat everyone both rounds. Poppy hung out like a champ and just giggled and watched everything going on around her.
what a stud.


Although it's awesome that the snack bar is old, I didn't dare buy any food from here. ha.

Bowling balls get their own private room at Kelley's

La Jolla Shores

After our magical time in Disneyland, the family ventured down to La Jolla for some beach time. It was Poppy's first time at the beach, Grandpa helped her pick her first sea shell, she put her feet in the ocean for the first time, and she even got her first tiny little sunburn on her nose. A lot of vacationing milestones for one little babe.
View from Grandpa and Grandma's room.
The park, with everything from scuba divers to kite flyers to skateboarders to
 hip-hop rappers to swim suit clad toddlers. 

Poppy with Momma and the Aunties.
Aunt Amy and Poppy playing in the sand

Poppy on a jog with Grandma
Finding seashells with Grandpa (and taking a nap)
BBQ on the beach, compliments of Uncle Jim!

Lil' beach bum
Mornings with Aunt Amy
Dinner at the Corvette Diner!
Poppy getting loves from her cousin Emri

It was hard to leave La Jolla, but we were also happy to be headed home to Daddy.
Hopefully we'll be back to visit sooner than later!

It's a Small World, after all.

Poppy and Momma just returned from a fun and family filled week in California! We spent two days at Disneyland with a bunch of the cousins, aunts and uncles, then we made our way to La Jolla beach for the remainder of the week. I'm going to break up the trip into two separate posts, to avoid photo overload. Let's start with Disneyland! Poppy traveled to California like a champ. Not one cry, not one accident through her pants. She was a delight. (the trip home is another story.)

Grandma greeting us at the airport!
Poppy getting ready for her first Disney experience with
Grandma and Grandpa!
Here we are with my family, getting our bellies fed before our big day of Disney

We met up with the rest of the Wulfenstein clan and Poppy was showered in
attention right away. Here she is with Aunt Judy and Great-Grandma Duck.
Great-Grandma Duck with little Poppy!
Cousin Bryan with little Emri and Poppy

These two cuties were holding hands and giving each other kisses.
Poppy hanging out in Minnie's house.
Momma and Poppy in Minnie's house.

sister's in Disneyland! 
This face pretty much sums up the entire Disneyland experience.
We had so much fun! Poppy was so cheerful the entire time and very interested in everything happening around her. Her favorite ride was "It's a Small World". She danced the whole time and now Grandpa can get her to dance just by singing the song!

Day Trip

Poppy and Momma decided to take a little day trip to Hummel Park. It's supposedly haunted by early settlers and has "uncountable stairs" all over. It's used a lot in the summer for hiking and camping and we just thought it'd be nice to get out of the house. So, we loaded up the stroller, packed a few snacks and set out to find it. Just before we got there, we rounded a corner and saw a beautiful family of deer galloping across the road and into a nearby field. We pulled over to look at them, but forgot to take pictures. The park is near the Missouri river, which has big weeping willows all around. There is a marina near by and a campground that we can't wait to try out this summer! (I saw the uncountable stairs! but forgot to take a picture, again.)

Then we decided to check out the old Florence Mill, which is the only building still standing from the Mormon settlement. Brigham Young oversaw the construction of it, so the people could make cornmeal and flour.  

Right across the street was a hole-in-the-wall mexican restaurant (it even had a boarded up window!). Since we were feeling a little hungry, we decided to try it out. We were pretty pleased with the food and can't wait to take daddy there!