It's a Small World, after all.

Poppy and Momma just returned from a fun and family filled week in California! We spent two days at Disneyland with a bunch of the cousins, aunts and uncles, then we made our way to La Jolla beach for the remainder of the week. I'm going to break up the trip into two separate posts, to avoid photo overload. Let's start with Disneyland! Poppy traveled to California like a champ. Not one cry, not one accident through her pants. She was a delight. (the trip home is another story.)

Grandma greeting us at the airport!
Poppy getting ready for her first Disney experience with
Grandma and Grandpa!
Here we are with my family, getting our bellies fed before our big day of Disney

We met up with the rest of the Wulfenstein clan and Poppy was showered in
attention right away. Here she is with Aunt Judy and Great-Grandma Duck.
Great-Grandma Duck with little Poppy!
Cousin Bryan with little Emri and Poppy

These two cuties were holding hands and giving each other kisses.
Poppy hanging out in Minnie's house.
Momma and Poppy in Minnie's house.

sister's in Disneyland! 
This face pretty much sums up the entire Disneyland experience.
We had so much fun! Poppy was so cheerful the entire time and very interested in everything happening around her. Her favorite ride was "It's a Small World". She danced the whole time and now Grandpa can get her to dance just by singing the song!

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