Roam-aha in Omaha (6 month update)

Since moving to Omaha, we've had a handful of visitors and lots of mini adventures. Here are some photos to get you up to speed on the last 6 months.

After a month of distance, the Jacobys were finally re-united
mid August.
These were waiting for Mama in our new home. Thank you, husband.
A week after moving in, our pal Alessia from San Fran came to visit.
It was so nice to have a familiar face in our new town. She was such
a good sport since Brittany was still healing from childbirth and we weren't
even done unpacking our house yet. 
We took her around the Old Market district, ate at some yummy places,
shopped at antique stores, swam and had a dance party in our kitchen. 
Here's a collage of one of our easy mornings while Alessia was in town.
It was lovely, I love her.
Thanks for coming to visit us, my girl. I hope you'll come back for an even
better time soon, now that we're familiar with this city!
Chris found out about an orchard over the bridge in Iowa, so we
went apple pickin' as a family! We bought fresh cider, rode on
a tractor, walked around the orchard, climbed trees and came home
with bags of delicious local apples. 
We started getting familiar with our new town and discovered little gems
like this adorable coffee shop by Chris' work.

We spent a lot of time on our balcony enjoying the end of summer weather.

Roamed around downtown, which is so old and wonderful!
We spent afternoons near the Missouri river. 

Explored "junk shops", but we like to call them treasure troves.
We became acquainted with our neighborhood.

Discovered our favorite sushi place! 

Took a trip to the most amazing zoo! Find out more about it HERE.

Cousin Michael and Auntie Amy came to visit! THAT was fun!
(come back!)
 Sunday strolls through Dundee Park.
We discovered these amazing and very large slides.
Marveled at pretty sunsets.
Our St. Louis buddies, Michael and Ashley, came to visit too! 
Mama bird found pretty jogging trails with little creeks running by them.
We attended an art gallery stroll and had SO much fun.
Poppy was such a good sport.
And we experienced our first midwestern blizzard, since our move. It was
absolutely beautiful (as long as we were inside and not driving in it).
All photos by: B


  1. You forgot to mention you met the most amazing couple EVER. ;)

    1. You guys are so amazing that you deserve your OWN post, duh! We'll introduce you on the blog soon ;-)
